Does Python dns.resolver use a fallback nameserver if the provided one is invalid?
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Does Python dns.resolver use a fallback nameserver if the provided one is invalid?

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When working with DNS resolvers in Python, it’s essential to understand how to handle invalid nameservers. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of Python’s dns.resolver and explore whether it uses a fallback nameserver if the provided one is invalid.

What is dns.resolver in Python?

The dns.resolver module in Python is a powerful tool for performing DNS lookups and resolving domain names. It provides a simple and flexible way to query DNS servers, allowing you to retrieve information about domains, hosts, and IP addresses.

import dns.resolver

# Example of using dns.resolver to resolve a domain name
answer = dns.resolver.resolve('', 'A')
for rdata in answer:

Handling Invalid Nameservers

But what happens when you provide an invalid nameserver to dns.resolver? Will it fail silently, or will it use a fallback nameserver to try and resolve the query?

The Short Answer

The short answer is that dns.resolver will not use a fallback nameserver if the provided one is invalid. Instead, it will raise a dns.resolver.NoNameservers exception.

import dns.resolver

    answer = dns.resolver.resolve('', 'A', nameservers=['invalid-nameserver'])
except dns.resolver.NoNameservers as e:

Understanding the Exception

When dns.resolver encounters an invalid nameserver, it raises a NoNameservers exception. This exception is a subclass of dns.resolver.ResolverError and provides more specific information about the error.

The NoNameservers exception has several properties that can help you diagnose the issue:

  • str(e): Returns a string representation of the exception, which includes the nameserver that caused the error.
  • e.nameservers: Returns a list of nameservers that were tried and failed.
    answer = dns.resolver.resolve('', 'A', nameservers=['invalid-nameserver'])
except dns.resolver.NoNameservers as e:
    print(f"Error: {str(e)}")
    print(f"Failed nameservers: {e.nameservers}")

Fallback Nameservers: A Solution?

While dns.resolver doesn’t provide a built-in fallback mechanism for invalid nameservers, you can implement a solution using Python’s context manager and try-except blocks.

import dns.resolver

def resolve_with_fallback(domain, rdtype, nameservers):
        answer = dns.resolver.resolve(domain, rdtype, nameservers=nameservers)
        return answer
    except dns.resolver.NoNameservers:
        # Fallback to the default nameservers
        return dns.resolver.resolve(domain, rdtype)

# Example usage
domain = ''
rdtype = 'A'
nameservers = ['invalid-nameserver']

result = resolve_with_fallback(domain, rdtype, nameservers)
if result:
    print(f"Resolved {domain} using fallback nameservers:")
    for rdata in result:
    print(f"Failed to resolve {domain}")

Working with Multiple Nameservers

In many cases, you’ll want to use multiple nameservers to ensure redundancy and reliability. dns.resolver allows you to specify multiple nameservers using the nameservers parameter.

import dns.resolver

domain = ''
rdtype = 'A'
nameservers = ['nameserver1', 'nameserver2', 'nameserver3']

    answer = dns.resolver.resolve(domain, rdtype, nameservers=nameservers)
    for rdata in answer:
except dns.resolver.NoNameservers as e:
    print(f"Error: {str(e)}")
    print(f"Failed nameservers: {e.nameservers}")

Load Balancing and Failover

To implement load balancing and failover, you can use a combination of Python’s random module and dns.resolver’s nameservers parameter.

import random
import dns.resolver

domain = ''
rdtype = 'A'
nameservers = ['nameserver1', 'nameserver2', 'nameserver3']

while True:
        # Randomly select a nameserver
        nameserver = random.choice(nameservers)
        answer = dns.resolver.resolve(domain, rdtype, nameservers=[nameserver])
        for rdata in answer:
    except dns.resolver.NoNameservers:
        # Remove the failed nameserver from the list
        if not nameservers:
            print(f"All nameservers failed to resolve {domain}")


In conclusion, Python’s dns.resolver module does not use a fallback nameserver if the provided one is invalid. Instead, it raises a NoNameservers exception. By using try-except blocks and context managers, you can implement a fallback mechanism to handle invalid nameservers. Additionally, by working with multiple nameservers, you can ensure redundancy and reliability in your DNS lookups.

Remember to always handle exceptions and errors when working with dns.resolver to ensure that your application is robust and reliable.

Exception Description
dns.resolver.NoNameservers Raised when the provided nameserver is invalid or fails to resolve the query.
dns.resolver.ResolverError Base exception class for all resolver-related errors.

Common Pitfalls

When working with dns.resolver, there are a few common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Invalid nameservers: Make sure to validate the nameservers before passing them to dns.resolver.
  • Timeouts: Be mindful of timeouts when resolving DNS queries, especially when working with multiple nameservers.
  • Rate limiting: Be aware of rate limiting when performing multiple DNS lookups, especially on public DNS resolvers.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with dns.resolver:

  • Use multiple nameservers: Use multiple nameservers to ensure redundancy and reliability.
  • Handle exceptions: Always handle exceptions and errors when working with dns.resolver.
  • Validate inputs: Validate the domain, rdtype, and nameservers before passing them to dns.resolver.

By following these best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can ensure that your DNS lookups are robust and reliable using Python’s dns.resolver module.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Python dns.resolver and unravel the mysteries of fallback nameservers!

Does Python dns.resolver use a fallback nameserver if the provided one is invalid?

The answer is no! By default, Python dns.resolver does not use a fallback nameserver if the provided one is invalid. It will simply raise an exception. However, you can manually configure a fallback nameserver or use alternative resolvers like dnspython that support this feature.

What happens if the provided nameserver is unreachable?

If the provided nameserver is unreachable, Python dns.resolver will raise a NoNameservers exception. This is because the resolver will not attempt to use a fallback nameserver or retry with a different server. You’ll need to handle this scenario programmatically or use a more robust resolver that can handle such cases.

Can I configure a fallback nameserver for Python dns.resolver?

Unfortunately, Python dns.resolver does not support configuring a fallback nameserver out of the box. However, you can create a custom resolver that wraps the default resolver and provides this functionality. Alternatively, you can use other Python DNS libraries that support fallback nameservers, such as dnspython.

What are some alternatives to Python dns.resolver that support fallback nameservers?

If you need a resolver that supports fallback nameservers, consider using dnspython, PyDNS, or Twisted Names. These libraries provide more advanced features and configurable resolvers that can handle fallback scenarios. Just remember to evaluate their performance and compatibility requirements for your specific use case.

How can I handle DNS resolution failures in Python?

When handling DNS resolution failures in Python, it’s essential to catch and handle exceptions raised by the resolver. You can use try-except blocks to catch exceptions like NoNameservers, NoAnswer, and NXDOMAIN. Then, implement your fallback logic, such as retrying with a different nameserver, using a cache, or returning a default value. Remember to log and monitor these failures to improve your application’s resilience and performance.

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